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  4. 你需要知道的关于购买一所待修房屋的一切


Buying an older home to transform is something most of us have daydreamed about in our pursuit of the perfect living space. 但是如果你不小心,这个梦很快就会变成一场噩梦.

买一套待修的房子可能会有一些异想天开的事情. How much fun would it be to purchase a charming older home at a discount and renovate it into your dream home? 确定, 这需要一些艰苦的工作和体力, 但在一天结束的时候, the house will be customized to fit your needs and wants—and you’ll save a ton of money. 正确的? 

当 建造或购买房屋, it’s essential to have a realistic timeline and a budget that allows for every cost involved in your renovation.  

Here are some need-to-know tips on how to make sure buying a fixer-upper home doesn’t break your budget or your sanity.  


当投资于修缮房屋时, 重要的是要确切地知道你要做什么. 这是修房必不可少的一步 购房流程 是否聘请质量检查员对物业进行评估. 他们可以准确地告诉你需要翻修多少. 然后, you can get estimates and have your real estate agent bring this to the seller to help negotiate the price.  

如果大部分需要的修复都是表面的, 你的修补修补可能更便宜,而且过程更快. But if your budget doesn’t allow for repairs to structural damage to the home, 推倒墙壁, 更换电气系统(你懂的), 那么买房可能就不值得了. 以下是一些需要注意的潜在问题: 

  • 地基裂缝
  • 地下室有积水的痕迹
  • 害虫侵扰
  • 奇怪的气味(发霉)可能表明发霉了, 或者闻到污水味可能意味着化粪池出了问题)
  • 维修不善的屋顶
  • 陈旧过时的管道和电气系统 

通常, 检查员会在检查过程中发现这些东西, 但如果你在观看过程中看到这些危险信号, 你最好拒绝对方的提议. 准备一个 验房清单 能帮你节省时间和心碎吗.   


bet3365标准版大多数人都为此感到内疚. We watch hours of HGTV, successfully do one DIY project, and, suddenly, we think we can tackle any 回家修理 使用正确的工具和YouTube上的教程. But some projects require professional experience and a hefty budget to purchase the correct equipment. 

What starts as a simple afternoon project could quickly turn into a whole weekend, 还得跑几十趟五金店修理问题. 不知不觉中, you’ve spent much more than you expected and still have to call in a professional to finish the job.  

在拟定装修房屋的预算时, make sure you allow for the worst-case scenario situations and factor in how much it will cost if you have to hire a contractor on all projects. Hiring a professional may save you money down the road because you know the project will be done right.  

Also, don’t forget about the cost of permits when totaling your upfront costs for buying a house. 根据你的需要,它们可以加起来. 一些 bet3365标准版计划像bet3365标准版的 ShieldPlatinum™ 计划-提供许可证和违反法规的费用.  


没人喜欢黛比·唐纳. 但如果是买一套待修的房子, you should plan for everything to fall apart so that you’re prepared to pay for any issue uncovered during renovation.  

当 it comes to a time frame, it may be helpful to double your initial estimate. Several factors can affect home renovation timelines, and many of them are hard to predict. 一些房屋装修延误可能由以下原因引起: 

  • 天气
  • 施工材料延误
  • 资金不足
  • 承包商的可用性  

在这个过程的开始,把你想要完成的每件事都画出来. 有些延误是不可避免的, but if you suddenly change your mind on what you want while the renovation is underway, 这会花费你更多的时间和金钱.  


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You may love a bargain, but you often get what you pay for when it comes to construction. 在聘用承包商时, it’s important to do your research and make sure their reputation precedes them. 确切地知道 问什么问题,沟通明确的期望,并总是得到一个书面的估计. 在购物的时候,有 品质的标志 你可以留意潜在的危险信号.  

If your renovation includes major work, ask your contractor if they offer a 建筑商bet3365标准版,以防工作完成后出现问题.  


Whether you’re fixing up an old house to live in or are looking for multiple properties to flip, 这里有一些方法可以找到他们.   

  • 寻找“卖空”或“房地产持有(REO)”. A short sale means the seller is selling the house for less than they own on their mortgage. REO的意思是银行取消了房子的赎回权. 这两种类型的房屋销售通常都低于市场价值. 只是要做好准备——有时这些销售不包括检查.  
  • 追踪止赎拍卖. Foreclosure auctions are a little like playing the lottery: there’s the potential of taking ownership of an amazing piece of property for dirt cheap. The problem is because it’s an auction, you rarely get to see the house before buying. 拍卖的另一个风险是,它们通常只接受现金. If you go this route, make sure to hire a real estate agent that specializes in foreclosures. 
  • 留意一套房子在市场上卖了多久. In many real estate markets, if a house has been for sale for a long time, there’s usually a reason. 这可能表明房子是待修的. 

If you’re new to real estate and are on the lookout for finding your dream home, here are some 给首次购房者的建议.  


If you want to purchase a fixer-upper home but don’t have enough in your budget for renovations after your down payment, 你还有选择. 一些贷款机构提供固定按揭贷款, which can roll the cost of the renovations and the house itself into one payment.  

还有一笔待修贷款, the money for the renovations is held in an escrow account and doled out as needed. 如果你超出预算,通常还会有零用钱. 这种贷款可能会有额外的费用, so make sure you factor those in when deciding if buying a fixer-upper home is right for your financial situation.  

查看更多关于 抵押贷款批准 以及你能做些什么来加快这个过程.  


你的新家正在装修,你能住在里面吗? 有时,是的. 但这会是一次愉快的经历吗? 也许不是.  

It may seem logical to live on-site during renovation—you’ll be there for any questions, 你可以省下房租或避免支付两笔抵押贷款, and you can spend your free time working on your DIY projects without having to travel back and forth. 但住在建筑工地可能是一场噩梦. 取决于项目的规模, 你可能会经历几天没有水的日子, 权力, 热, 或者空调.  

It may be a good idea to have a secondary living option available just in case. The last thing you want is to grow to resent your new home before you’ve even had a chance to enjoy it.



当 it comes to fixer-upper homes, staying on budget and planning ahead are key. After you’ve purchased your home, safeguard your budget by investing in a home warranty. 美国家庭盾牌负担得起 为购房者提供住房担保 that can be your budget safety net for unexpected breakdowns of home systems and appliances.


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