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room transitioning from historic to modern
room transitioning from historic to modern

The Past, Present and Future of Every Room in One Photo

The American home has changed dramatically over the years, but some things remain fundamental: the rooms we use, the reliability we need, the intimacy we desire.

With this in mind, 家居设计师和技术创新者继续推动家居内饰的风格和复杂性更高的水平. 你200年前的祖先肯定能认出你现在的家,但他们知道如何使用未来的厨房吗? Will you?

在过去的50年里,美国家庭盾一直与房主合作,让他们安心. As the trusted ally for more than 1.8 million members across the nation, 他们的职责是知道国内市场接下来会发生什么.

bet3365标准版制作了一组新的图片来说明1821年美国家庭的房间是什么样子的, how they typically look in 2021, and what to expect in the decades to come.


厨房里的炉子似乎是一项古老的技术,但在19世纪之前是不为人知的. 在工业革命时代的创新之前,温度旋钮并不存在. 美国人在明火上做饭,通过提高或降低锅的火焰来控制热量.

然而,现代的温度旋钮只是bet3365标准版家里的一个临时访客. 未来的炉灶将由一个带有机械手臂的人工智能“机器人厨师”厨房助手控制. You’ll look like Tom Cruise in Minority Report 当你指着bet3365标准版未来厨房里的数字仪表盘时. 用你的手来调整设置可以避免你从表面到表面的混乱.

Dining Room

The dining room was a formal affair in Victorian-era America. Colors were soothing, 你可以在白天或烛光下吃饭——在一个靠电视闪烁的灯光吃饭的时代,这感觉很理想. bet3365标准版的当代餐厅设计特点是重新利用了轻便方便的学校椅子, 这反映出如今的餐厅很少是吃完最后一口后流连忘返的地方.

If you enjoy the new ritual of “dinner-party-by-Zoom,“你会喜欢邀请住得很远的全息客人来你未来的餐厅. 在桌子周围摆放投影仪而不是椅子也是电视晚餐和烛光之间的完美折衷. 你的朋友既是娱乐又是光源.

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Living Room

Do you remember ‘books’? Historically, 书架是房主储存(纸质)家庭媒体的实用方式,同时也向访客传达了一种身份感. 但是现代主义和反杂乱运动把bet3365标准版的书藏了起来, DVDs, and other loose bits and bobs behind push door cabinets, giving our ‘present’ living room a calm, streamlined look.

However, 从可堆叠的高保真音响到体育场大小的宽屏,笨重的媒体播放器已经抵消了当今时尚的存储解决方案. 未来的客厅将把这些杂乱的高科技物品虚拟化. Furniture will deflate when not needed. 一个中央设备将处理和投影您的数字媒体需求. Your furniture itself will act as speakers, and 3D games and movies surround you, projected from this multilayered volumetric video screen (leaving more space in the living room to display your books.) Sounds a bit energy-intensive? Check out the solar energy panels on the balcony.


To some, the four-poster bed is a symbol of opulence. But in fact, 这种设计是为了保护睡眠者免受寒冷(在寒冷的国家)和昆虫(在温暖的国家)的侵害。. The four-poster appears in artwork from 300BCE or earlier, and Cleopatra had one. 但自从中央供暖系统的发展,它们在西方就不再流行了.

Modernism begets minimalism, 而bet3365标准版现在卧室里的宁静气氛是由于没有杂乱的东西. In the future, 当媒体墙(伪装成墙纸)取代电视和镜子时,混乱会更少. You can model clothes virtually, without putting them on, and robot arms will fetch them from your wardrobe, saving space and hassle. 床上还配备了睡眠监测系统,可以量化你的夜间自我,甚至 record your dreams.


Today we’re used to the seamless fitted bathroom, 但传统上,浴室家具只是家具. Separate, wood-built pieces would stand freely in the bathroom, and even the water would be brought in manually, having been heated on the stove.

The contemporary bathroom is sleek, bold, and bright. 但未来的媒体浴室可以根据你的心情进行调整. 放松的,感性的,或充满活力的动画预设将出现在视频墙上. 多方位淋浴可以节约用水,你的智能镜子包括一个身体指标扫描系统,这样你就可以在刷牙的时候检查你的“生命体征”.

虽然设计趋势和技术多年来发生了变化, 当您的系统和设备的部分磨损时,需要一个计划. With American Home Shield home warranty plans, 无论什么时候出现了意想不到的问题,也不管未来的电器和系统有多复杂,你都能安心地保持家里的工作秩序.

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