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  4. 10 Major Appliances Covered with an 唯有通过® 国内保修

10 Major Appliances Covered with an 唯有通过®  国内保修

美国家庭之盾在那里帮助保护你的预算和系统和电器,当他们坏了. Check out all the info on 10 major appliances covered by an 唯有通过 国内保修.

Being a homeowner means being responsible for repairing, replacing 和 maintaining all of your home’s systems 和 appliances. 这可不便宜. In fact, personal finance experts recommend that you budget about two percent of your home’s value 每年进行维修和保养. That can easily add up to thous和s of dollars. Even if you have a relatively inexpensive home, 你仍然在考虑每年花几千美元在房屋维护和维修上,或者把它存起来,以备你需要支付大笔维修费用的时候, 比如新的暖通空调系统.

美国家庭之盾的bet3365标准版可以帮助您将意外的家庭维修纳入您的预算, 当你要为退休存钱,要考虑孩子的时候,这是一件大事.  查看bet3365标准版的 bet3365标准版费用 和 保修计划 今天.


Yes — in fact, for many homeowners, the whole point of a 国内保修 它包括电器吗. 美国家庭之盾的电器和组合计划都涵盖了多达10种主要的家用电器. 也就是说,如果您的电器在保修期内因正常磨损而发生故障, we’ll cover the cost of repairing or replacing your appliance, 不超过计划限制. 


是的,美国本土盾 家电保修 如果您的维修专业人员认为有必要更换旧电器,是否包括更换. There are plan limits for replacement appliance coverage, but you can get a discount on a new appliance through our 家电折扣计划. You can even get your new appliance delivered 和 installed for free.

Does 美国本土盾 Cover Old Appliances?

是的,bet3365标准版有. We’ll cover your appliances no matter how old they are. bet3365标准版不需要服役记录. 唯一的要求是bet3365标准版计划必须在30天内有效 等待期, 和 the breakdown must be the result of normal wear 和 tear. 

美国家庭之盾家用电器保修单也适用于重复使用的电器, so you can go ahead 和 get that second fridge repaired. 


在您申请新的bet3365标准版计划之前,有30天的等待期. Appliance problems that pre-date the 国内保修 policy aren’t covered. 然而, 有时,作为房地产计划的一部分,你可以获得未知的既存状况的保险. 了解更多关于 既存状况保险

What Are Some Things That a 国内保修 Doesn’t Cover?

当 it comes to repairing 和 especially replacing appliances, there are some things that a 国内保修 doesn’t cover. 你的 appliance coverage only covers the appliance itself, 为了正确安装设备,不需要对您的房屋或固定装置进行任何修改. 例如,假设你的专业服务人员认为你需要一台新冰箱. 你决定升级到门上有水和冰分配器的那种型号——但是你现在的冰箱没有水管. 你的 bet3365标准版范围 will likely pay for the replacement of the fridge, but they won’t pay for the plumber to run a new water line. 

然而, 在大多数情况下, 你不需要为了安装新设备而改造你的房子——比如洗碗机, 炉灶, 洗衣机, 而且烘干机通常可以直接安装在旧烘干机的位置上,不会有任何麻烦. 

bet3365标准版也不包括因电器故障而对家庭造成的二次损坏的费用. If your dishwasher breaks 和 floods the kitchen, 导致地板被水损坏, your 国内保修 will cover the repair or replacement of the dishwasher, 但它不包括修复你被水损坏的硬木地板. 如果你的冰箱坏了, 你可以把电器换掉, but most home warranties won’t cover the cost of replacing your lost food. bet3365标准版也不包括由于误用、疏忽或安装错误造成的故障. Damage from children, pets or pests isn’t typically covered. 

Appliances Covered by an 美国本土盾 国内保修

bet3365标准版到底包括什么? bet3365标准版的系统计划, 你可以覆盖11个家庭系统, 包括管道, 电, 和空调. 组合计划结合了电器和系统计划,覆盖多达21个家庭系统和电器. That means you can get coverage for your garage door opener, 吊扇, 灯具及配线, plumbing (including coverage for stoppages), 暖通空调, 和 more — so you’re covered no matter what breaks down. 

You can get coverage for these 10 home appliances with our bet3365标准版计划.

1. 冰箱

当 your refrigerator breaks down, you need it repaired fast. 你也许可以 自己解决冰箱的问题, but other problems are going to require professional assistance. 还有一些问题, 就像有故障的压缩机, may be so expensive to fix that it’s cheaper to just replace the refrigerator. 

您的唯有通过bet3365标准版将包括正常磨损损坏的冰箱的维修, 或者是替换, 不超过计划限制. 您可以使用bet3365标准版的会员制 唯有通过®家电折扣计划 to get a great deal on a new, br和-name appliance.

2. 衣服洗衣机

You can’t get by very long without a clothes washer. 你该怎么办,把衣服扔到浴缸里然后像跺葡萄一样跺吗? 当 你的洗衣机坏了, you can’t always solve the problem yourself. bet3365标准版的家电和组合计划为洗衣机所有部件的意外故障提供保险, 前装和顶装两种型号.


听起来是个计划. 找到最适合你的保修单.

3. 衣服烘干机

没有干衣机的时间可能比没有洗衣机的时间长一点, 如果你有地方挂衣服的话. But, with your busy schedule, who has time for that? 美国本土盾会提供帮助. 如果你的烘干机不热, 没有旋转,也没有发出奇怪的声音, we’ll hook you up with a technician who can fix it for you. 所有干衣机部件和组件都包含在bet3365标准版的组合和设备计划中.

4. 炉灶,炉灶和烤箱

当 you have a family to take care of, you need to be able to cook meals. Whether you have a range or a separate cooktop 和 oven, they’re covered under both our Appliances Plan 和 our Combo Plan. 当 your oven won’t get hot or you have a burner that won’t light, we’ll help you find the right local service professional to fix it.

5. 洗碗机

Is your dishwasher leaking, making funny noises or 不排水? 你必须手洗所有的东西吗? Our Appliances 和 Combo 计划 cover all components of dish洗衣机, so you can quit worrying about who’s going to do the dishes. 

6. 内置的微波

当你想要快速加热一面或一杯冷咖啡时,内置和超范围微波炉是超级方便的. But, like any other appliance, they can sometimes break down. 消费者报告 门关不上, 控制面板坏了, the microwave making too much noise or just not heating up food. All of these issues are covered under our Appliances Plan 和 our Combo Plan.

7. 独立式制冰机

If you don’t have an ice maker built into your fridge, or you need more ice than your fridge can supply, 一个独立的制冰机就是答案. 幸运的是, 如果您有家电计划或组合计划,则包括维修和更换独立式制冰机的所有部件和组件.

8. 垃圾压实工具

垃圾压实机是最常用的设备 for homeowners who don’t want to lug huge bags of trash around. And because they compress trash, they leave more room in l和fills. But problems can cause the ram to stop working correctly, 使门完全停止关闭,甚至使垃圾压实机停止正常供电. bet3365标准版的家电计划和bet3365标准版的组合计划都提供垃圾压实机故障的保险.

9. 车库开门器

Who wants to get out of their car 和 open the garage door by h和? 如果你过去有过车库门开启器坏掉的经历,你就会知道更换一个是可以的 价格超过300美元. 通过bet3365标准版的组合和家电计划提供的车库门保险来抵消部分费用.

10. 内置食物系统

A built-in food processor makes food prep super easy. With your food center centrally located right in your prep area, 没有必要用小家电把你的柜台弄得乱七八糟,也没有必要花半个小时在厨房的食品储藏室里找搅拌机. 如果你的食品中心坏了,bet3365标准版的套餐和设备计划会赔偿.

Protect 你的 Appliances with a 国内保修

不像一些 房屋保修公司, 美国家庭盾不要求会员提供电器的维修记录, 和 we’ll cover your appliances no matter how old they are. 甚至一些重复的电器也包括在内,所以你也可以把你的啤酒冰箱修好! 

美国家庭盾牌让您妥善照顾您的家庭系统和电器,所以打电话或 今天就上网 以获得最适合您需求的计划, 不要忘记注册bet3365标准版的电子邮件通讯,这样你就可以把bet3365标准版所有最好的房主提示和技巧发送到你的收件箱.



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